Murali Duggineni

Author, Storyteller, Quizzer, Marcom

Hi, I'm Murali.

I am a marcom professional by trade, quizzer by hobby, and an etymology enthusiast by passion. I help brands connect with people. Check out my work.

My first book “EtymagIQ India” kicks off with a flying start: 750 copies sold in the first two weeks

I am delighted to share that my first book, EtymagIQ India, had a blazing start. Launched on February 10, 2024 at the Hyderabad Book Fair, the book garnered widespread attention, captivating readers of all backgrounds—from casual readers to housewives, students to working professionals, retired professionals to of course, trivia freaks!

Within a week of its launch, we sold 500 copies across all platforms. Additionally, 200 copies have been shipped to the US, catering to the Indian diaspora. The entire process—from publishing to marketing and selling—was completed in less than a month.

On Amazon, the book remained among the top 10 in its category for more than 10 days. It attained the highest rank of #3 in its category on Day Four. This is a remarkable moment in my life.

The overwhelming response has been a tremendous morale boost, reaffirming my belief that quality content finds its audience. I am overjoyed every time someone reaches out to share their thoughts on my book. Thank you for your interest in my book.

I extend my heartfelt gratitude for many of my friends and followers who chipped in to spread the word about my book. As I now turn my focus to my next book and consider reprinting my debut, I hope your patronage remains.

Very few copies of the book are left on amazon. To order yours, please visit

 To know everything about the book, please visit where I have addressed many FAQs.

If you have purchased and read the book, please take a moment to rate/review it at

Thank you once again for your interest and support.

About Me

I’ve spent over two decades diving into the world of marketing across different industries. What fuels my passion is not just the professional side of things, but also the thrill of being a quiz enthusiast and a lover of word origins.

Beyond the boardrooms and campaigns, I’ve discovered that understanding the roots of words, known as etymology, can be a game-changer for brands. It’s not just about putting out a message; it’s about creating stories that stick, giving each brand a unique edge and making a lasting impact.

So, whether I’m delving into marketing strategies, challenging my brain with quizzes, or unraveling the stories behind words, my goal is simple: to make communication effective, memorable, and enjoyable.

Embracing the art of storytelling, I aim to transform complexity into clarity, leaving a lasting imprint on your audience. Together, let’s embark on a journey to elevate your brand narrative and create an impact that resonates. Your story awaits the touch of seamless communication—let’s craft it together!

My Key Skills
Marketing Communication
Corporate Communications
Strategic Storytelling
Quizzing & Gameshows
Cross-industry Experience

Career Highlights


years experience


leads generated


word origins researched


TV quiz shows conducted


questions created


Case studies written

My Professional Journey


My Stories

  • All
  • Accidental Discoveries
  • Art & Culture
  • BackStory
  • Blog
  • Branding
  • Career Development
  • Education
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Etymology
  • Food
  • Geographical Indications
  • Heritage
  • History
  • India
  • Initiatives
  • Marcom
  • Medicine
  • Miscellaneous
  • Mythology
  • Social Impact
  • Travel & Tourism
  • Wildlife

Get it Touch?

Contact me to elevate your brand communication, any marcom and quizzing-related assignments.