The art of storytelling: Why Picador is more than just a name

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Picador is the literary imprint of Pan Macmillan. But why the name “Picador”?

In bullfighting, a picador is a horse-mounted assistant who uses a lance (called a “vara”) to weaken the bull by jabbing its neck and shoulders. This action reduces the bull’s strength and stamina, making it less aggressive and easier for the matador to handle in the later stages of the fight.

By choosing the name Picador, the company likely envisioned their publishing arm as a picador in the literary world, preparing the stage for a captivating encounter between the reader and the narrative. Just as the picador softens the bull’s fierce charge, Picador Publishing aims to pierce through the noise of the literary landscape, bringing forth the most compelling and impactful stories.

Picador believes that the way a story is told is just as important as the story itself. Their “lances” can be the well-crafted narratives that draw readers into the heart of the story, setting the stage for a memorable literary experience. The name “Picador” reflects that every encounter with a Picador title is as captivating as a matador’s final flourish.

Image Credit: Wikipedia

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