How the word “addict” became synonymous with being a “slave”

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The word “addict” typically describes someone who indulges in something excessively. For instance, a person who constantly smokes is addicted to smoking, while someone who can’t put down their smartphone is addicted to it. But did you know this word traces its roots to ancient Rome?

The term comes from the Latin word addictus, which means “to devote” or “to surrender.” In ancient Rome, those who surrendered to soldiers became slaves. If a debtor couldn’t settle his debt, he would surrender himself as a servant to the person they owed money to. They were called “addicts” because they had surrendered their freedom.

Today, although the word has evolved, the core idea remains the same. An addict is someone who has surrendered to a habit—often one that is harmful—becoming a slave to it. Whether it’s a harmful substance, a behavior, or even a thought pattern, addiction indicates a loss of control, where the individual is no longer the master but the servant.

The word reminds us of habits that can have a negative impact, turning us into slaves of our own making.

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