Nine lives and lasting energy: The story behind Eveready’s iconic cat emblem

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Eveready, a brand with over 100 years of history, is well-known for its batteries. Many of you may have used their batteries, but have you ever noticed the emblem of a leaping cat through the number 9 on them? The story behind this symbol is as intriguing as it is meaningful.

The proverbial phrase “a cat has nine lives” suggests that cats have an uncanny ability to escape dangerous situations unscathed, often landing gracefully on their feet. This remarkable survival skill is due to their unique skeletal structure and extraordinary reflexes. Just as cats defy the odds with their agility and resilience, Eveready coveys their batteries are engineered to provide a reliable power source that lasts through extended periods of use.

The leaping cat emblem on Eveready’s products serves as a fitting tribute to this shared trait of endurance. Just as cats are known for their survival instincts, Eveready strives to power lives with a reliability that mirrors the feline’s legendary legendary survival skills.

Image rights: Eveready

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