July 11, 2024August 30, 2024Branding, Accidental Discoveries, BackStory, MarcomSilencing the barking dogs: The inspiring story behind Hush Puppies Inspiration for brand names can arise from the most unexpected moments. The story behind the iconic footwear brand Hush Puppies is a perfect example.
July 10, 2024August 21, 2024BackStory, Blog, Branding, Entrepreneurship, MarcomResilience in every raindrop: The Duckback story What is the connection between the brand Duckback and the expression “like water off a duck’s back”?
June 10, 2024August 22, 2024BackStory, Career Development, Education, Entrepreneurship, Etymology, History, India, InitiativesIntroducing ‘BackStory by Duggi’: Your guide to uncovering hidden histories Last week, I launched my YouTube Channel “BackStory By Duggi” https://www.youtube.com/@BackStoryByDuggi/ As the name suggests, the channel unearths the real ‘stories behind’