The North Face is a leading brand specializing in high-performance outdoor gear and apparel. Founded in 1966 by young climber Doug Tompkins, who used his savings to start a revolution, the name “The North Face” was chosen because the north side of a mountain is considered the most difficult and treacherous to climb. By selecting this name, the brand positioned itself as one that embraces challenges and aims to help adventurers conquer nature’s toughest obstacles.
In keeping with its name, the brand’s logo was inspired by the Half Dome rock formation in Yosemite National Park. The logo features three wire-like arched lines, representing the smooth, sweeping contours of Half Dome. According to the company, wherever the iconic logo appears, it serves as a reminder to celebrate past achievements and stay inspired by what lies ahead.
The North Face’s mission is to equip explorers with the tools to conquer the harshest environments, making its name and logo synonymous with exploration and the pursuit of the impossible.
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Pic Courtesy: Wikipedia